Diabetes Complications And Advanced Glycation End Products
Advancedglycationend products and diabetic complications: a general overview melpomeni peppa, helen vlassara division of experimental diabetes and aging, department of geriatrics, mount sinai school of medicine, ny, ny, 10029, usa abstract diabetes mellitus, especially type 2 diabetes is increasing at an alarming rate reaching epi-demic. Hyperglycemia is still considered the principal cause of diabetes complications. its deleterious effects are attributable, among other things, to the formation of sugar-derived substances called advanced glycation end products (ages). Glycation Diabetes Live Healthy Chron Com Advanced glycation end products in diabetes mellitus age and other complications of diabetes mellitus there is increasing evidence that advanced glycation endproducts (ages) play a pivotal role in atherosclerosis, in particular in diabetes. An a1c measurement of 6. 5 percent or greater is an indicator of diabetes. blood vessel and heart disease glycated proteins and lipi...